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“Congratulations on a very inspiring film! Schindler was a poet of space—an

elusive dimension which this film captures. I hope you will continue to make films on architecture like this one, a gift to future generations!”

Steven Holl, Architect


 "In a darkening age, Schindler’s radiant optimism has never seemed more

precious. Schindler Space Architect is a cinematic big bang that will transmit the

energy of his exemplary career and inexhaustible legacy to a world where their

lessons are more necessary than ever.”

Edward Dimendberg, Professor of Humanities UC, Irvine

“It was so engrossing, and led me to feel much more deeply the near tragic lack

of recognition and understanding Schindler had to bear in his life... Meryl’s

narration really added to my feeling for the man. I felt the story so deeply. I

hope the work is widely seen and much praised and honored. You’ve made a

wonderful thing and survived the terrible rigors of research, licensing,

annotating, permissions and the like. I salute you! ”

Holland Taylor, Actress


“ Your film is wonderful and I predict it goes down as an important historical

achievement. ”

Stacie B. London, Creative Collaborator


“ Even better the second time around. Like re-reading a good book. You get more out of it. Congratulations. ” Robert Sweeney, Director Friends of the Schindler House

“The movie is a tour de force – the best record about RM Schindler!!!!

Incredible work and incredible endurance. Enjoy every second and hugs

from a community that loves you. ”

Mona Kuhn, Artist


Adam Rubin, Moderator and Valentina Ganeva, Director/Producer/ Editor at ADFF, Chicago, Jan. 29th 2025.
photographs by Anna Munzesheimer

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